Listen to episode 38:
"My migraines were triggered by sugar": Florence
October 3, 2021
Ever since she was a small child, Florence Christophers suffered from debilitating, blinding migraines. She grew up on sugary and processed foods and never thought that what she was eating had anything to do with her suffering.
In her teens, Florence started dieting, restriction, and bingeing. And she put on weight, she had brutal PMS with cramps and moodiness, and her migraines continued and got worse.
Nobody had ever talked to her about what she was eating and what could be triggering her migraines... She was given medication and that was it.
Until one day when she was at the doctor's office, a nurse gave her "secret" information about her migraines: that they were very probably triggered by something she was eating or drinking.
Discovering whole foods was the turning point for Florence. So was dropping sugar.
But the path to get her food addiction under control wasn't a smooth one. After many experiments and support groups, Florence realized that moderation does not work for her.
She needed to completely eliminate sugar, flour, caffeine, and alcohol and get to the heart of her food addiction in order to find the true freedom she was craving.
Listen as Florence tells her inspiring story of discovery, perseverance and self-love, and how she's helping so many others kick sugar today.