Listen to episode 175:
"Now I feel free from the hold sugar had on me": Danielle
May 19, 2024
Danielle's journey with sugar started in childhood.
She remembers that sugar was a massive part of her upbringing.
With her family, she always had ice cream after dinner. Sugar was always a treat.
They even had a trunk in their house that had little goodie bags with sweet treats for whenever she and her brother were good.
So there was a lot of rewarding with sugar.
As a child, Danielle was an extremely picky eater. She ate lots of carbs, like white pasta and rice cakes... which, she says, no doubt really put her on a blood sugar roller coaster at a very young age.
Danielle says that sugar was the coping and addictive mechanisms that had been handed down through her family line.
Her mom, she explains, was someone who never felt emotions, and she used food to numb and escape. So Danielle got that pattern from her.
But then in her late twenties, Danielle started looking more deeply into her early childhood traumas and what contributed to the addictive patterning in her brain.
And that was the start of an awakening for her.
Listen to Danielle describe her slow 3-year process to finally feel free from the hold sugar had on her.