Listen to episode 64:
Listener question: What about monk fruit and stevia?
April 3, 2022
A listener recently asked me to talk about sweeteners, specifically monk fruit and stevia.
Disclaimer: I don't use either of these sweeteners... but this isn't about me! 😉
In this episode I talk about my take on these two sweeteners. I invite you to ask yourself these questions (with no judgement, just gentle curiosity):
- why am I choosing products that are sweeter than sugar?
- why am I looking for sweet tastes?
- what is my relationship with sweet tastes?
- what other tastes can I learn to enjoy?
- what is my behaviour like around sweeteners and sweet foods?
- can you imagine what freedom from sugar (or sweeteners) could feel like for you?
- is there any sweetness that you feel is missing in your life?
There are no wrong answers!
Plus you have my full permission to choose whatever you want to eat, including sweeteners. (P.S. It's not up to me to give you permission for anything!)