Listen to episode 22:
"My cystic acne is gone!" Katherine
June 13, 2021
Katherine Larsen had cystic acne, which had a negative impact on her career and social life. Her moods were up and down, and she was easily triggered by even small things. She would also have an energy slump in the middle of the afternoon, as well as cravings for sugary and starchy foods.
In her mid-twenties, she realized it might be linked to sugar, so she tried an elimination diet.
She tried several whole food approaches: Whole 30, vegetarian, paleo...
But what they all have in common is that they don't include processed foods and especially sugar! Her pain got better, her acne got better, her mood stabilized, her stomach aches and headaches disappeared... She had so much energy too! She wasn't falling asleep on the couch at 9pm any more!
This is her way of eating now, it's not a diet. She has a calmer, healthier relationship with food now.
And as a bonus, she figured out that cutting out foods that contain corn syrup, refined sugars and gluten helped get rid of her cystic acne. She didn't want to take meds, so she researched a lot on her own, with tons of trial and error.
Now she treats her body and skin with love and caring. She doesn't get acne breakouts any more. And she has an original way to cleanse her face! Listen to find out how.
Katherine's book is called You Can't Hide Your Face: A Natural Guide to Healing Acne and Loving Your Skin. Contact her here: